The first Laki-Kids mission took place in Indonesia. I flew to Timor with a small team of Indonesian doctors. An incredible operation trip. Conditions in the small hospital were adventurous. Everything was just missing. Health care is poor and due to the traditional structures, for example intra-family weddings and the fact that the mothers have to live in a narrow straw hut with an open fire and without windows for 4 weeks after the birth, this leads to an enormous number of gap children.
But I have seldom operated in a country where our aid has been used so effectively. In the absence of everything, the patients were extremely grateful.
One of our countries of operation is Peru. So far we have been particularly active in the cities of Cajamarca and Chiclayo. Total contrast program. Indian children, Peruvian team - we were able to help some children here too! In Peru, too, many more cleft children are born every year than can be operated on by the local surgeon. Because these are mostly active in the big cities, while there are no specialized doctors in the country. The number of children with cleft lips is particularly high in the mountain regions, where the population often lives at an altitude of 3000-4000 m.
In 2016 we mainly worked in both Iraq and Palestine. Our help was very gratefully received in both countries.